Is This Normal?
Recovery after surgery is no joke, and aftercare is absolutely essential! Starting your post-op treatments as soon as possible can significantly help you feel better and heal faster.
Surgery is stressful—not just for you but also for those around you. You probably didn’t expect the recovery process to be like this. Maybe you thought the results would be instant, and now the challenges feel overwhelming. You weren’t prepared for how tough it would be, and now guilt or thoughts like “What was I thinking?” or “Is this normal?” start to creep in. It’s a lot to deal with, both physically and mentally.
This is where a supportive, experienced post-op therapist comes in. You need someone to help you process your thoughts and provide reassurance: “This is okay. Here’s what we need to do next: XYZ.”
Aftercare—both physical hands-on treatment and expert advice—is exactly what your body and mind need during this time.
Key Points to Remember:
– The first week is the toughest.
– It’s completely normal to feel emotional and confused after surgery.
– Feeling stiff after being immobile for a while? That’s normal! Be sure to get out of bed frequently.
– Compression garments feeling restrictive? That’s due to the swelling your body is working to process.
Solution: Regular massages to improve lymphatic drainage, boost blood circulation, and break down lactic acid can help.
Tips for Your Recovery Journey:
1. Choose your practitioner carefully and discuss a personalized treatment plan.
2. Attend at least three treatments in the first week post-op. Ask plenty of questions to understand the different stages of healing. This will help ease your mind and give you clear checkpoints to focus on.
General Healing Timeline:
– Bruising: 1–3 weeks to subside.
– Inflammation: 1–3 months.
– Complete repair and tissue remodeling: 6–12 months.
If you begin post-op treatments early, stay consistent with them, and follow our advice on exercise and self-care, you could be back to physical activities—like yoga, Pilates, or light weight-assisted core work—in as little as 3–6 weeks. Of course, every case is different, but with our guidance, we’ll monitor your progress and let you know when you’re ready to take that next step. 🙂